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Our programs are designed to teach you how to make massive changes in your life and we've seen the results from clients growing their businesses, strengthening their relationships or finding a purpose and passion that sets them on fire. There is one thing in common with all those successes - the individuals who benefited the most made a firm commitment to themselves, consistently put in the work and followed the program they signed up for.


If you can't honestly tell yourself you are willing to put in the work, then our coaching programs may not be right for you at this time. If you are prepared to make that commitment, then we welcome you and look forward to celebrating your successes!


*Results are dependent on your efforts and are not guaranteed


Acceptance of Terms and Conditions for Participation in any programs

offered by Restart Your Life or The Unstoppable Agent


This Acceptance of Terms and Conditions (the “Agreement“) applies to your (“you” or “your”) participation in Restart Your Life or The Unstoppable Agent Programs and any related courses, materials, websites and associated programs (collectively referred to as the “program”) offered by Rich Fournier - Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent (collectively referred to with you as the “Parties” and singularly as a “Party”). 


TERM OF AGREEMENT. The term of this Agreement shall be from the time Rich Fournier - Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent,  accepts your enrolment in the program (the “Effective Date“) until the completion of the program or, alternatively, upon termination by either Party. Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving the other Party written notice of termination. Termination will not, however, release either Party from any obligations that arose prior to the date written notice of termination was given.


PROGRAM TUITION PAYMENT. As stated on the enrolment call or the program sign-up page, you have agreed to pay Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, the total amount for participation in the program (the “Program Tuition”). The Program Tuition is the amount you and Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, agreed upon for your participation in the program. You must pay Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, the Program Tuition before you can receive any products or materials related to the program. Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, in its sole and absolute discretion, may agree to a payment schedule for you to pay the program tuition or any part thereof. If you fail to make any payment(s) to Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, on an agreed upon date, Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, may deem all sums due by you immediately payable to it. Additionally, if you fail to make any payment(s) to Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, on an agreed upon date, Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, may suspend your ability to receive products and services related to the program. Any such suspension, however, does not relieve you of your obligation to pay Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, the full Program Tuition. 


The program package includes guided coaching for 6 months. The guided coaching includes: 


  • One (1) Thinking Into Results License (yours to keep)

  • Guided facilitations and group coaching each week

  • TIR Workbook


THE ACADEMY PAYMENT PLANS. A payment option is available. The plan includes monthly payments as agreed at time of purchase. Your subscription will automatically be set up and the funds will be deducted on the date established on either the live enrolment call or through your sign up submission. Your subscription (excluding the Thinking Into Results License) will be terminated 6 months from your effective date. If you have agreed to pay by bank transfer, please ensure the funds will reach us by the agreed date. If we fail to receive any payment(s) to Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, on the agreed upon date, Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, will suspend your ability to receive products and services related to the program. Any such suspension, however, does not relieve you of your obligation to pay Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, the full Program Tuition. 


PROGRAM PARTICIPATION. Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, provides support, guidance and tools for you to set goals, determine priorities and achieve results, but any decision you make, and the consequences that flow from such decisions, is your sole responsibility. Your success depends on many factors, including your dedication, participation, desire, and motivation. 


RIGHT TO SUSPEND OR TERMINATE. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your use of the program, any other Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, products and/or services generally, if you breach any of these Terms, as determined by us in our sole discretion. Refunds are not provided for our products and/or services, including where you have been given access to Our Content (unless otherwise indicated below).


OWNERSHIP RIGHTS AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION. Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, and its affiliated entities own all rights, title and interest (including all intellectual property rights throughout the world) relating to any and all works of authorship, designs, know-how, ideas, course materials, products, services and information related to the program. You agree that all materials provided to you as part of the program which are confidential and proprietary in nature, will be held in confidence and not disclosed by you to anyone without Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent’s, written consent. 


ASSIGNMENT. You may not assign this Agreement (or any obligations under this Agreement) without Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent's, prior written consent. 


JURISDICTION AND APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement will be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Canada and be dealt with by the Courts Canada. 


LEGAL AGE. You represent that you are of legal age to enter into this Agreement. 


RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. Nothing in this Agreement or through your participation in the program shall create a partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between you and Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent. 


INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. All trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, patents and copyrighted materials associated with the program (the “Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent Intellectual Property“) are the property of Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, and its affiliated entities. You agree not to interfere or infringe upon the Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent Intellectual Property by, among other things, the following: (1) duplicating or creating of works (including any derivative works) that are the same or substantially similar to the Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent; (2) registration, creation or use of trademarks, service marks or domain names that are the same or substantially similar to the Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent Intellectual Property; (3) use, manufacture, import, or sales of any product or service that infringes upon the Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent Intellectual Property ; and (4) any action that would pass off or create the appearance of an association with or endorsement by Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent. 


MODIFICATION. Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, may modify or amend any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, at any time and by posting a change notice or a new version of the Agreement on the applicable program website or by otherwise advising you of the amendment/modification. If any such amendment/modification is unacceptable to you, your only recourse is to terminate this Agreement. Your continued participation in the program following the posting of a change notice or a new version of this Agreement on the applicable program website or following notice of the modification/amendment will constitute your binding acceptance of the new terms and conditions. 


INDEMNIFICATION. You will indemnify, hold harmless and defend Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, (as well as its members, employees, instructors, vendors, independent contractors, service professionals and affiliated entities) against any and all claims, expenses, costs, causes of action and damages (including those for personal injury, property damage and reasonable attorney’s fees) relating to your participation in the program or violation of this Agreement. 


LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, (as well as its members, employees, instructors, vendors, independent contractors, service professionals and affiliated entities) shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages of any nature (including but not limited to claims for personal injury, property damage, loss of revenue, profits) related to your participation in the program. Under no circumstances shall Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent's liability, if any, exceed the program Tuition. 


DATA PROTECTION AND PRIVACY. Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, endeavours (but cannot guarantee) to protect your privacy and the security of your data in our system in compliance with The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, stores and utilizes information collected at our sites in various ways. In addition, Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, endeavours to enable the secure transmission of our users’ information and to collect and analyze data received in a responsible manner. For further details, please request a copy of our privacy policies.. 


MISCELLANEOUS. This Agreement, together with any invoices provided by Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, constitutes the entire understanding of the Parties with respect to your participation in the program. This Agreement, together with any invoices provided by Rich Fournier- Restart Your Life & The Unstoppable Agent, revokes and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, communications, proposals or understandings, whether electronic, oral or written, between the Parties regarding your participation in the program.


The CLIENT (you) enters into this Agreement at the time of purchase, in acknowledgment of this Agreement, and as indication of their full compliance with the above Terms and Conditions, and understanding of the services provided.


With any questions or concerns, please reach out to us via telephone at 705-305-4206 or via email at



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